In this vocabulary lesson, we will learn the names of animals in English. Next time, when you see them, you will know what to call them. We will also learn some common English verbs describing animals.

1. Animals vocabulary

Lion Lion 🔊
Cat Cat 🔊
Dog Dog 🔊
Elephant Elephant 🔊
Horse Horse 🔊
Cow Cow 🔊
Giraffe Giraffe 🔊
Squirrel Squirrel 🔊
Mouse Mouse 🔊
Rabbit Rabbit 🔊
Otter Otter 🔊
Koala Koala 🔊
Kangaroo Kangaroo 🔊
Snake Snake 🔊
Monkey Monkey 🔊
Raccoon Raccoon 🔊
Sheep Sheep 🔊
Pig Pig 🔊
Fish Fish 🔊
Shark Shark 🔊
Alligator Alligator 🔊
Crocodile Crocodile 🔊
Camel Camel 🔊
Zebra Zebra 🔊
Wolf Wolf 🔊
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus 🔊
Zebra Zebra 🔊
Donkey Donkey 🔊
Tiger Tiger 🔊
Leopard Leopard 🔊
Meerkat Meerkat 🔊
Hyena Hyena 🔊
Panda Panda 🔊
Bear Bear 🔊
Polar bear Polar bear 🔊
Penguin Penguin 🔊
Dolphin Dolphin 🔊
Gorilla Gorilla 🔊
Eagle Eagle 🔊
Calf Calf 🔊
Goose Goose 🔊
Gosling Gosling 🔊
Duck Duck 🔊
Duckling Duckling 🔊
Bull Bull 🔊
Bison Bison 🔊
Fox Fox 🔊
Deer Deer 🔊
Goat Goat 🔊
Bat Bat 🔊
Crow Crow 🔊
Peacock Peacock 🔊
Dove Dove 🔊
Stork Stork 🔊
Macaw Macaw 🔊
Parrot Parrot 🔊
Turkey Turkey 🔊
Owl Owl 🔊
Toucan Toucan 🔊
Cock Cock 🔊
Hen Hen 🔊
Chick Chick 🔊
Vulture Vulture 🔊


2. Verbs about animals

Verbs describing animals
Verbs Definitions Sentences
to graze To eat grass or other vegetation. The cows graze in the meadow every morning.
to hibernate To go into a deep sleep during winter. Bears hibernate during the coldest months to conserve energy.
to swim To move through water. Fish swim upstream to spawn.
to perch To rest or set on a branch or other elevated position. The bird perched on the branch and observed its surroundings.
to sing To produce musical sounds with the voice. Birds sing to communicate and attract mates.
to feed To give food to; to eat. Whales feed their offspring with milk.
to hunt To chase and kill animals for food. Lions hunt in pride to take down large prey.
to stalk To move stealthily or follow prey quietly. The cat stalked the mouse through the grass.
to slither To move along smoothly and continuously. Snakes slither through the grass, looking for prey.
to swarm To move in large numbers, often in reference to insects. Bees swarm around their hive to protect the queen.
to nest To build or occupy a nest. Birds nest in trees to lay their eggs.
to scent To detect or perceive a particular smell. Dogs can scent their prey from miles away.
to prey on To hunt, seize, and feed on. Owls prey on small mammals during the night.
to roar To produce a full, deep, prolonged sound. A lion roared at us in Kruger’s park.
to ruffle To disturb the smoothness or tranquillity of; to flutter. The bird ruffled its feathers when it got agitated.
to gallop (mainly used for a horse) to run in a way that all four feet are taken off the ground in its movement. The horse galloped across the open field.
to browse To feed on leaves, twigs, and other soft vegetation. Deer browse in the woods, eating various plants.
to hop To move by leaping with all feet off the ground. Frogs hop from one lily pad to another.
to bark To make a loud sound. The dog barked furiously at the stranger.


Now it’s your turn to talk about animals with your friends or partners. Here are some questions that will help you get started.

  1. Are you afraid of any animals? Which ones and why?
  2. Which animal do you think is the most interesting or frightening? Why?
  3. Do you have a pet at home? Tell your partners about it.
  4. Which animal would you like to see in the wild?
  5. If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?
  6. Do you think animals have feelings? Why or why not?
  7. What do you think about zoos and aquariums? Are they good for animals?
  8. Have you ever seen an animal in its natural habitat? Describe your experience.
  9. What do you think is the most important thing to remember when interacting with animals?
  10. Do you believe certain animals bring good luck?
  11. Do animals have special meanings in your culture?
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