In this English reading practice for beginners lesson, you will read two stories about birthday parties. After reading, you can answer the questions to check your understanding.

Read the text and answer the questions

Anna’s birthday

Anna lives in London with her parents. She does not have brothers and sisters. Anna is an only child. Today is her birthday. She is ten years old now. She loves flowers, and she likes to sing. Her favourite singer is Ed Sheeran. Every morning, she goes to the garden and listens to music. She enjoys looking at the beautiful flowers in the garden. On her birthday, her parents always bake cake for her. Anna loves homemade cake.

Multiple-choice questions

1. Where does Anna live?

2. How old is Anna?

3. What does Anna love?

4. Who is Anna’s favourite singer?

5. What does Anna do every morning?

6. What do Anna’s parents do on her birthday?

Click here for another reading exercise

Read the story about Daniel’s birthday party and answer the questions

My birthday party

My name is Daniel. I am ten years old. Today is my birthday! I am very excited because my friends and family are coming to my party. It is one o'clock in the afternoon now. The party will start in two hours. My parents are busy preparing for the party. My mother is making chocolate cake with lots of cream. My father is putting up decorations. There are balloons everywhere. Some balloons are red, some are blue, and some are yellow. My little sister, Lucy, is helping by putting plates and cups on the table. She is very happy because she likes birthday parties too!

At the party, I am going to play games with my friends. I invited five of my best friends. They are coming to the party at three o'clock. I am looking forward to playing games like musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, and a treasure hunt. I think the treasure hunt will be the best game. Everyone will have fun looking for the treasure in the garden. I am excited to see who will find it first!

It is half past three now. The cake is ready! It looks amazing. My mother decorated it with candles. There are ten candles on the cake. I am going to blow out the candles when everyone sings ‘Happy Birthday.’ My grandmother is here, and she brought me a big present. It is wrapped in shiny paper. I wonder what it is! I can’t wait to open it. I hope it is a new toy or a book. My friends also brought me presents. They are very kind.

After the cake, we will eat pizza. I love pizza! There will be two big pizzas, one with cheese and one with pepperoni. We will also have some snacks like chips, cookies, and juice. My friend Sarah is bringing a big jar of lemonade. She knows I love lemonade! We will sit at the table and eat together. It will be a very nice meal.

When the party is over, I will say thank you to everyone. It is six o’clock now and the party is over. I am happy because I had a great time with my friends and family. I hope they had fun too. I love birthday parties, and I can’t wait for my next one!

Reading comprehension

1. Daniel is ten years old.

2. Daniel is having his birthday party at a park.

3. The cake is chocolate with cream.

4. Daniel's friends brought him presents.

5. Daniel is going to have a pizza with his friends.

6. Daniel is going to eat salad at the party.

7. Daniel's birthday party is a fun day with family and friends.

8. What is Daniel looking forward to at the party?

9. What did Daniel get for his birthday?

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