1. Choose the correct adjective or adverb to complete each sentence

1. She did on her exam.

2. Do you feel about what happened?

3. The sun shone on the lake.

4. She loved the colours of the autumn leaves.

5. He looked when he saw his test results.

6. The children played in the park.

7. My backpack feels .

8. He stared at the stranger who insulted his friend.

9. Her hair contrasted beautifully with her bright eyes.

10. The night was and stormy, with barely a star visible in the sky.

11. Despite the chaos around him, he maintained a expression.

12. The chef at the restaurant cooks .

2. Identify the word in bold as either an adjective, adverb, or a preposition

1. I left my phone upstairs.

2. There is a park nearby.

3. He lives far from the city.

4. She walked away without looking back.

5. The flowers grew everywhere in the garden.

6. We sat outside and enjoyed the sun.

7. Can you see the star right above?

8. I found the lost keys under the bed.

9. I found the lost keys under the bed.

10. She placed the books directly behind her.

11. She is good at playing the guitar.

12. She did her exam well.

13. She wore a beautiful dress last night.

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