1. Choose the correct subject pronouns or possessive adjectives to fill in the blanks

A. Olivia is sad. is crying.

B. Jack is rich. has a lot of money.

C. Olivia is crying. eyes are filled with tears.

D. Jack is flat broke. wallet is empty.

E. Jack's dog is sick. eyes are red.

F. Jack's dogs are sick. eyes are red.

G. Olivia is best friend.

H. Olivia and went shopping yesterday.

2. Read the sentences below. Is the highlighted word a subject pronoun, a possessive adjective, or an object pronoun?

A. I have a house.

B. It is my house.

C. It is my house.

D. I gave my daughter your gift yesterday, and she loved it.

E. I gave my daughter your gift yesterday, and she loved it.

F. The red car belongs to her.

G. It is her car.

3. Replace the underlined words with their corresponding subject pronouns, possessive adjectives, or object pronouns

1. This is Johan. Johan is my son.
     This is Johan. is my son.

2. This is Johanna. Johanna is my daughter.
    This is Johanna. is my daughter.

3. Mark and Eva are married.
     are married.

4. My mother was sick yesterday. The doctor administered my mother a drug.
     My mother was sick yesterday. The doctor administered a drug.

5. My father was sick yesterday. The doctor administered my father a drug.
     My father was sick yesterday. The doctor administered a drug.

6. My father and my mother were sick yesterday. The doctor administered my father and my mother a drug.
     My father and my mother were sick yesterday. The doctor administered a drug.

7. My son was sick yesterday. My son’s temperature rose to 39 ℃.
    My son was sick yesterday. temperature rose to 39 ℃.

8. My niece was sick yesterday. My niece’s temperature rose to 39 ℃.
    My niece was sick yesterday. temperature rose to 39 ℃.

9. I dropped my phone yesterday. My phone’s screen cracked.
    I dropped my phone yesterday. screen cracked.

10. My friends and I played football yesterday, and my friends and I won.
     My friends and I played football yesterday, and won.

11. Last week, people praised my friends and me for saving a drowning girl.
     Last week, people praised for saving a drowning girl.

12. Mark and Eva’s wedding was last week.
      wedding was last week.

13. Last night, I gave my cat a pizza, but my cat didn’t like the pizza.
     Last night, I gave my cat a pizza, but my cat didn’t like .

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