1. Read the text below and answer the questions
Ruvaria, a small, overpopulated, and unfriendly nation, was faced with the great problem of finding more food for its starving people. In fact, living and health conditions became so bad that many people were dying. Others were suffering so much that they wanted to die. Most of the deaths involved babies, young children, and the elderly. A group of Americans became very concerned about Ruvaria's problems. They asked the President of the United States to help the Ruvarians and give them the needed food. However, the President realised that if he gave Ruvaria the food, it would serve to keep the population excessively high and might even cause a population boom. Then, when the food is gone, the people of Ruvaria will again be faced with the same problems. On the other hand, if the President didn't supply the food, many people would die. But, in the long run, this would greatly reduce Ruvaria's population. With a much smaller population, Ruvaria would be able to support itself and allow its people to live fuller, more comfortable and healthier lives. (ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE SCHOOLS p. 270)
2. Vocabulary: choose the correct answer
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