1. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense

  • Oliver: Where (do) you spend your holiday?
  • Karl: I (go) to Kenya with my family.
  • Oliver: How (be) it?
  • Karl: It (be) amazing. We (see) so many different animals. We also (visit) a Maasai village and (learn) about their culture.
  • Laura: (do) you have a good weekend?
  • Kate: Yes, I (visit) my grandparents on Saturday.
  • Laura: How exciting!
  • Kate: Yeah, it (be) amazing. We (spend) the morning exploring the historic market town of Beverley. We (see) many interesting arts and crafts. I (buy) a beautiful, hand-crafted piece of pottery.
  • Kate: How cool! You (has) a great time there.

2. Put the verbs in the past simple tense to complete each paragraph

In the year 1066, England (be) ruled by King Edward the Confessor. He (has) no children and was getting old, so the question of who would succeed him as king was a matter of great concern.

There (be) three main contenders for the throne: Harold Godwinson, Edward's brother-in-law and the Earl of Wessex; Harald Hardrada, the King of Norway; and William, Duke of Normandy.

After the king's death on January 05, 1066, the Witenagemot (choose) Harold Godwinson to succeed him. But he only (reign) for a short period. He (die) during the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066.

In September 1066, Harald Hardrada and his army (march) to England to dethrone the new king. Along the way, he (meet) an army led by Tostig Godwinson, Harold Godwinson's brother. Harold Godwinson (head) north with his army to confront Harald Hardrada and Tostig Godwinson. Harold Godwinson (catch) them by surprise, and the two sides (fight) a fierce battle at Stamford Bridge on September 25, 1066.

In the end, Harold (emerge) victorious, but his victory (come) at a high cost. Many of his men were killed or injured, and his army weakened.

Meanwhile, William, the Duke of Normandy, had been planning his invasion of England. He (assemble) a large army and set sail for the island, landing in Sussex in September 1066. Harold Godwinson (go) south to meet him, but his tired and depleted army was no match for William's well-trained and well-equipped soldiers.

The Battle of Hastings (take place) on October 14, 1066, ending in a crushing defeat for Harold and his men. Harold himself was killed, and William (win) the battle. He was crowned king of England on Christmas Day, 1066, and his reign (mark) the beginning of the Norman conquest of England.

Edward the Confessor's death and the events that followed it in 1066 would change the course of England's history. Harold's death and William's victory would lead to Norman's rule and the start of a new era.

3. Complete the conversations. Put the verbs in the past simple tense

  • Karl: (do) you hear about the recent accident on Main Street yesterday?
  • Lucie: No, I (do/-). What (happen)?
  • Karl: A car (collide) with a truck, and it caused quite a commotion.
  • Lucie: Oh no, (be) anyone hurt?
  • Karl: Yes, the car driver was injured, and a passenger (have) to be taken to the hospital.
  • Carter: I (see) you yesterday with a pretty girl.
  • Jack: Oh, I (meet) her at a party last night. We were both sitting at the same table and (start) talking. She (seem) cool, so I her (ask ... out) for a drink. Carter: How (do) it go? Jack: It (go) well. I really (love) it.

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