1. What time is it? Choose the correct answer

Practice telling the time in English with the following exercises. Learn to read digital/analogue clocks and write time in words.


2. Drag and drop each box to the corresponding expression (may not work on mobile device)

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3. At what time do Paul and Mary get up?

Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. Change your browser to google chrome if the mp3 audio does not work.

A. Paul does not get up before quarter to nine.

B. Paul gets up at quarter to eight.

C. Paul gets up at quarter past eight.

D. Mary gets up at five in the morning.

E. Mary gets up at five in the afternoon.

Telling the time exercises: practise reading, writing, and matching times with clocks.
Click here to check the answers to the worksheet
  1. It’s two o’clock.
  2. It’s half past eight.
  3. It’s ten past ten.
  4. It’s quarter past two.
  5. It’s five to four.
  6. It’s five to eleven.
  7. It’s nine o’clock.
  8. It’s half past twelve.
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