Comprehensive list of collocations with get

Collocations Example sentences
Get married They decided to get married next summer.
Get a job She managed to get a job right after graduating from college.
Get a promotion She got a promotion, but she was not happy with it.
Get divorced My parents got divorced last year.
Get ready Get ready to sing with our experienced vocal coach.
Get lost My brother got lost for two days during his last field trip.
Get home How are you going to get home?
Get sick He got sick after eating at the new restaurant.
Get better I hope you get better soon.
Get worse His medical condition is getting worse.
Get dressed Hurry up and get dressed, we’re late!
Get undressed I caught a man watching me got undressed last night.
Get a ticket Where can I get tickets for the concert tonight?
Get in touch Please get in touch with me when you return from Paris.
Get along They get along well despite their differences.
Get together Let’s get together for coffee next week.
Get angry She gets angry easily.
Get tired I get tired if I don’t get enough sleep.
Get bored Children get bored easily during long car trips.
Get excited She gets excited about the idea of moving to Barcelona.
Get a call I got a call from my ex-girlfriend yesterday.
Get a chance When you get a chance, visit the new museum in town.
Get permission You need to get permission to park here.
Get a degree He plans to get a degree in engineering.
Get a haircut I’m going to get a haircut this weekend.
Get started Let’s get started on the project as soon as possible.
Get the message Did you get the message I sent you?
Get the feeling I get the feeling that something is wrong.
Get the impression I get the impression that she doesn’t love me anymore.
Get the job done We need to get the job done by the end of the day.
Get the hang of something It may seem difficult at first, but you’ll eventually get the hang of it.
Get hold of I have been trying to get hold of him the whole day.
Get an award He got an award for his bravery.
Get a loan They got a loan to buy a new house.
Get a passport You need to get a passport before travelling abroad.
Get revenge He wanted to get revenge after somebody killed his brother.
Get a surprise She got a surprise party for her birthday.
Get a suntan I’ll try to find a shady spot. I don’t want to get a suntan.
Get the sack He got the sack for being late repeatedly.
Get paid I get paid at the end of every month.
Get the point I hope you get the point I’m trying to make.
Get well Hope you get well soon!
Get injured Although Christiano Ronaldo got injured, his team won the game.

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