1. What is the weather?

The weather is the state of the atmosphere over a short period of time. Many meteorological parameters are used to describe it. These include temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure.

2. How to ask about the weather?

  1. What's the weather like?
  2. What's the weather like today / tomorrow?

Using the It's + adjective structure:

Partly cloudy sky It's partly cloudy.
Rainy weather It's rainy.
Sunny It's sunny.
Cloudy It's cloudy.
Stormy day It's stormy.
Windy It's windy.
Hot day It's hot.
Snowy day It's snowy.
A woman having cold It's cold.


3. How to start a small talk?

Weather is one of the most common topics of small talk, especially among British people to start a conversation, especially with people they do not know well or haven't met before. Here are some common phrases you can use to initiate a small talk.

  1. It's a nice day, isn't it?
  2. It's too hot today.
  3. What a beautiful day today!
  4. It's a lovely day today.
  5. Are you going to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather today?
  6. It's a perfect day for swimming.
  7. It's nice and warm today.
  8. What terrible weather we have today!
  9. It's so foggy today.
  10. It's freezing.
  11. It's so cold.
  12. It looks like it's going to rain.

Example conversation:

Andy: It's freezing.
Bryan: Yes, it is. I am glad I brought my jacket.
Andy: Lucky you. I should have checked the weather forecast before going out.
Bryan: I usually check the forecast before going out, especially in winter and autumn.
Andy: I can't wait for summer to come. I am tired of this weather.
Bryan: What do you plan to do during the next summer holiday?
Andy: I plan to spend three weeks in Cape Town and learn to surf.
Bryan: That's a wonderful idea. Cape Town is rated as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Andy: Have you been there before?
Bryan: No, but I've always wanted to go there. I've read about it in a book. Do you plan to hike the famous Table Mountain as well?
Andy: Of course, it's on my list of things to do. And you? Do you have any plans for the next summer holiday?
Andy: No, I'm still thinking about it. I have a few ideas, but I haven't made up my mind yet.

4. Seasons vocabulary


cold having a low temperature. I forgot my jacket. I feel so cold.

freezing extremely cold. It's freezing. Let's turn on the heater.

bitter extremely cold weather that likely causes physical harm. Put on your coat. It's bitter outside.

frosty covered with a thin layer of ice crystals (frost). I like the beautiful white winter scenery when it's frosty.

frosty weather

It's frosty.

snowy covered with snow. It has been a snowy day. We need to buy a snowblower to clear up the driveway.

misty when the air is covered by the suspension of water droplets (mist), which restricts visibility to about 1 km or beyond. The misty weather hampered the soldiers' pursuit of the enemy.

foggy when the air is covered by the suspension of water droplets (fog), which restricts visibility to less than 1 km. Fog is much denser than mist. Please drive slowly. It's so foggy.

foggy road

It's foggy.

cloudy covered with clouds. It's cloudy this morning, and it's probably gonna rain in the afternoon.


sunny full of sunlight. We shot the clip at the Nosy Iranja beach in Madagascar on a beautiful sunny day.

warm a moderate degree of heat at which the human body is still comfortable. People like to spend time outside when the weather is nice and warm.

hot a high degree of heat at which the human body starts to feel uncomfortable. Hot weather is prevalent in equatorial regions.

boiling extremely hot and uncomfortable. It's boiling in here. Don't you have an air conditioner?

scorching another word to describe extremely hot weather. It's scorching in here. Can we open the window?

sweltering another word to characterise the weather when there is too much heat. It's always sweltering in summer here.

torrid uncomfortably hot, and dry. I couldn't stand the torrid heat of summer in Granada.

muggy unpleasantly warm, and humid. Some spores germinate more rapidly in muggy weather conditions.


temperate at a moderate temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. In October, the weather in Oakland is usually temperate.

chilly cold and causing discomfort. It's a bit chilly in here. I'm going to make a fire to keep us warm.

cosy (British English) or cozy (American English) pleasant, comfortable. I miss the Canary Islands. The beach is so beautiful, and the weather is cosy.

crisp cool, dry weather that is refreshing and invigorating. The air was crisp and cool as I stepped outside on the first day of autumn, and I could see my breath in the morning frost.

blustery characterised by strong, gusty winds. It can be cold or warm and may be accompanied by other weather conditions such as rain or snow. I had to hold onto my hat as I walked to work this morning because the blustery winds were so strong they nearly knocked me over.

bright characterised by strong, direct sunlight. It can be warm or cool, depending on the season and the region. Bright weather is often associated with clear, cloudless skies, though it can also occur on partly cloudy days. It is generally considered to be pleasant and cheerful, as the sunshine can lift people's moods and provide warmth. It is also a good time to spend time outdoors, as the bright light can make it easier to see and enjoy the surroundings. The weather was so bright and sunny today that I couldn't resist going for a hike in the mountains.

clear linked with good visibility and a lack of clouds. It is often associated with sunny, pleasant conditions, as the clear skies allow the sun's rays to reach the ground and provide warmth. Clear weather can also refer to conditions that are free of fog, clouds, mist, or other types of atmospheric obstructions that can reduce visibility. It is generally considered to be favourable for outdoor activities, as it allows people to see and enjoy their surroundings. I really enjoyed my flight yesterday. The weather was clear, and the views from the aeroplane window were breathtaking.

overcast refers to a cloudy sky with little or no direct sunlight visible. The clouds may be low and thick, or they may be high and thin. "Overcast" can range from partially cloudy to completely obscured sunlight. It is generally cooler and more humid than sunny weather, as the clouds block the sun's warmth and heat from reaching the ground. It can also bring precipitation, such as rain or snow, depending on the temperature and humidity. I had planned to spend the afternoon at the beach but changed my mind due to the overcast weather. The grey, cloudy sky and cooler temperatures made it less appealing to go outside.


mild relatively warm, and comfortable temperatures, usually between 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit (10-21 degrees Celsius). Mild weather is often described as pleasant and enjoyable, as it is not too hot or too cold. It is often accompanied by clear or partly cloudy skies and light winds. The forecast for tomorrow calls for mild temperatures and mostly sunny skies, so it should be a great day for outdoor activities.

fresh clean, crisp, and energising. It is often accompanied by cool temperatures and a light breeze. Some people find that fresh weather helps to clear their minds and improve their mood. I love waking up to fresh, dewy mornings in the spring when the air is filled with the sounds of birds chirping and the smell of flowers blooming.

breezy characterised by a light wind or gentle breeze. Breezy weather is often described as refreshing and invigorating and can be especially enjoyable on hot or humid days. A moderate breeze can help to disperse heat and improve air circulation, making it feel more comfortable outdoors. I sat on the porch swing, enjoying the cool evening air and the pleasant breeze as the sun set over the horizon.

wet when there is precipitation, such as rain, snow, sleet, or hail. This can take many forms, from light drizzle to heavy downpours, and can fall from clouds in the form of liquid water, frozen water, or a combination of the two. Wet weather typically leads to damp or soggy ground and can make certain outdoor activities more difficult or dangerous. The tears that I shed mixed with the raindrops on my cheeks, adding to the already dreary, wet atmosphere that evening.

damp refers to high humidity and is often accompanied by mist or fog. This type of weather is often caused by a lack of wind which cannot dissipate the moisture in the air. It can also be associated with overcast or cloudy skies. The weather was damp, seeping into your bones and making you feel cold and alone. The sky was overcast, and the clouds were heavy with the threat of rain. The streets were empty as if the gloomy weather had driven everyone inside.

gusty sudden, temporary increases in wind speed, usually lasting only a few seconds to a minute. These winds can be unpredictable, and their speed and direction can change rapidly. "Gusty" is often associated with thunderstorms, squalls, and other types of severe weather. A truck driver died in a car accident yesterday. The accident happened when a strong gust of wind caught the truck by surprise, causing it to lose control and crash on the side of the road.

stormy windy, rainy, and sometimes snowy or icy. It may also include thunder and lightning. It was a stormy night, with strong winds and heavy rain battering against the windows.

showery characterised by light rains that last for a short period of time. It's a sunny day today. It was mostly showery last week.

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