Popular topics for ESL/EFL learners
- Prepositions
- Preposition exercises
- Reported speech
- Possessive case
- Passive voice and active voice
- Verb to be
- Verb have
- There is - there are
- The auxiliary verb do
- A, an, the
- Countable and uncountable nouns
- English sentence structures
- Reflexive pronouns
- Possessive adjectives and object pronouns
- Possessive pronouns
- Using adverbs in sentences
- Coordinating conjunctions
- Paired conjunctions
- Linking words
- Types of English verbs
- 1300+ common English verbs
- List of irregular verbs
- Would and used to
- Modal verbs in English
- Gerunds and Infinitives
- Conditionals in English
- Inverted sentences
- Elliptical constructions
- Split infinitives
- Non-finite clauses
- Mandative subjunctive
- Apposition
- Anaphora and cataphora
- Relative clauses
- Participle clauses
- Adverbial clauses
- Comparatives and Superlatives
- Cleft sentences
- No sooner sentences
- Causative verbs
- Contrast connectors
- Conjunctive adverbs
- Dependent and independent clauses
- Implicature
- Themes and rhemes
English verb tenses
- Present simple
- Present continuous
- Present perfect
- Present perfect continuous
- Past simple
- Past continuous
- Past perfect
- Past perfect continuous
- Future simple
- Future continuous
- Future perfect
- Future perfect continuous
- Narrative tenses
- Irregular verbs
English reading comprehension
English speaking and writing lessons
- Numbers
- Week names
- English alphabet
- Telling the time
- Informal and formal greetings
- Introducing yourself
- Expressing likes and dislikes
- Yes or no questions
- Asking, offering, accepting, and declining help in English
- How to apologise in English?
- Expressing emotions in English
- How to order food in a restaurant?
- Hobbies and interests
- Discussing jobs and professional situations
- Talking about movies and films
- Expressing opinions
- Giving compliments in English
- Giving, accepting, and declining advice
- Asking for clarification
- Making suggestions
- How to disagree in English?
- Giving directions
- Seasons and months
- Describing the weather in English
- Hedging and boosting
- How to use "still" in a sentence?
- Collective nouns
- Collocations
- Exclamatory sentences
- Love idioms
English vocabulary
- Colour names in English
- Opposite words
- Emergency vocabulary
- Phrasal verbs
- House vocabulary
- Names of animals
- Household chores vocabulary
- Names of vegetables
- Tools vocabulary
- Kitchen utensils names
- Cooking verbs
- Names of tools
- Travel vocabulary
- Entertainment vocabulary
- Fitness vocabulary
- Synonyms of love
- Homophones in English
- Homographs
- Metaphors and similes
- Aviation terms
Online English lessons and exercises
Learn English online for free and improve your English grammar skills using our interactive lessons and exercises. This website was written by a team of ESL/EFL teachers who have years of experience teaching English. It is easy to search for our English lessons and exercises by topics that suit your level. Simply click on the topics that you want to learn and be ready to boost your English skills. We have interactive exercises for each topic to help you remember what you have learned. Our practice exercises include multiple-choice questions, matching and word ordering, gap filling, text comprehension, making sentences, drag & drop quizzes, and many more. You can check your answers after completing each exercise to make sure you master the topic before moving to the next one.
Grammar rules
Learn grammar rules in a clear and simple way. We include many example sentences in each lesson to help you understand how the rules are used in writing and in everyday conversation. We cover all aspects of English grammar, from basic sentence structure to advanced verb tenses. Choose the lesson you want to work on and do the corresponding practice exercises to test how well you have done. Keep practising until you are confident with the grammar point.
Learn English vocabulary through pictures to help you memorise new English words and expressions more easily. It is scientifically proven that students remember and solve problems better when they learn through pictures.
To improve your reading skills, we have curated different types of texts (short, news articles, etc.) suited for English learners at all levels. They help you learn diverse sentence structures and new vocabulary. Besides, there are exercises to help you understand and remember what you have read. After you finish reading a section or chapter, try to summarise what you have read in your own words.
Listening is an important part of language learning. We have included listening practice to help sharpen your ears and pick up words easily from native speakers. There are many ways to train your years, including:
- Listening to your favourite English songs. Pay attention to the lyrics and try to understand the meaning. You can even read along with the lyrics.
- Watching kid’s shows. They use simple language, and watching them can help you understand basic English.
- Watching English movies with subtitles.
- Talking to native speakers when you have the chance to do so.
While listening, take down some important words or phrases to help you remember them.
Interactive quizzes
Test your understanding through our interactive English quizzes. You can answer questions and get instant feedback. They are great and fun ways to learn English online and see how much you know.
Our free online English conjugator conjugates any verb in English to help you master conjugation. You can type either the infinitive form of the verb such as “to have”, “to go”, or the base form of the verb like “have”, “make”. You can also type phrasal verbs like “sign up” or “go out”. The conjugator also supports irregular verbs. If you notice any missing verbs in our database, please let us know so we can include them. We provide the indicative, conditional, imperative, infinitive, and participle forms of the verbs.