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Table of contents
Home-pageHow to write numbers in words?
The 7 days of the week and their names in English
How do we pronounce the English alphabet?
The auxiliary verb to be in English
Colour names in English with pictures
Learn opposite words in English with an interactive quiz
List of phrases to describe people in English
Verb "to be" - List of comprehensive exercises in all tenses and forms
Examples of metaphors and similes in English
How to use the English verb have?
How to use the verb do?
Using there is and there are in sentences
Names of vegetables in English with their pronunciation
Kitchen utensils names with pictures
Talking about household chores in English
House - Vocabulary
List of common tools names in English
List of 100+ names of animals in English
Definite and indefinite articles: a, an, the
What are countable and uncountable nouns?
Understanding sentence structures in English
How to tell the time in English?
How to greet someone in English?
How to introduce yourself in English?
Common cooking verbs in English
How to express likes and dislikes in English?
Asking, offering, accepting, and declining help in English
Apologising and expressing sympathy in English
Describing feelings and emotions in English
Food and restaurant
Hobbies and Interests
Jobs and careers in English
Essential film vocabulary for English learners
Fitness vocabulary and phrases
How to express your opinions in English?
Giving and receiving compliments in English
Giving, accepting, and declining advice in English
Travel vocabulary and conversations
Entertainment vocabulary
Essential phrases to use when asking for clarification in English
The most useful phrases to make suggestions in English
Useful phrases to disagree in English
How to use reflexive pronouns?
Possessive case - Rules and examples
Possessive adjectives and object pronouns in sentences
What are possessive pronouns and how to use them correctly in a sentence?
Essential prepositions of place you should know
Giving and asking for directions in English
Prepositions of time
How to use the prepositions of time 'at', 'in', and 'on'?
How to use the prepositions of time: during, for, since?
How to use the prepositions of time: until, before, after, and by?
(Adjective, verb) + Preposition
How to use adverbs in sentences?
How to use coordinating conjunctions in sentences?
How to use paired conjunctions in sentences?
Different types of linking words and their use in sentences
Seasons and months in English
How to talk about the weather in English?
A complete guide to English verb types
Top 1300+ most common English verbs with their pronunciation
The present simple tense in English
Present continuous - Form and use
How to use the present perfect tense in English?
Form and use of the present perfect continuous
When to use the past simple tense?
Top 150 most common Irregular verbs in English
The past continuous tense: form and use
How to form and use the past perfect?
Past perfect continuous
The future simple tense: form and use
Future continuous tense: form and use
Future perfect simple: form and use
Future perfect continuous - Form and use
Will, would, and used to in English
Reported speech: form and use
Difference between the passive voice and active voice
What are hedging and boosting, and how can we use them?
Modal verbs
How to use gerunds and infinitives in English?
Conditional sentences rules and usage in English
Adverbial clauses in English
Comparatives and Superlatives
Essential phrasal verbs you need to learn
Expressing contrasting ideas in English
Collective nouns in English
What are collocations in English and how to use them?
Common collocations with "do" and their use in sentences
List of common collocations with "make" and example sentences
Homographs in English with example sentences
List of common collocations with "get" including example sentences
Reading comprehension for beginners
Sara's daily routines: a short story for beginners
Sue and the bird
Anna's birthday
Anna loves her cat
Tom and his garden
My Saturdays' routines
Different ways to use still in a sentence
Conjugation of the verb to accept in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb to add in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb to admire in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb to go in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb lay in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb to arise in all tenses
Conjugation of the verb to be in all tenses
List of common collocations with "have"
Participle clauses: types and characteristics
Synonyms of love to enrich your emotional expressions
Different forms of yes or no questions
Dependent and independent clauses in English
Inverted sentences
Using elliptical constructions to avoid redundancy
Split infinitives in modern English
Relative clauses and relative pronouns
Conjunctive adverbs and their use in sentences
Aviation terms in English
Structure and examples of cleft sentences in English
How to use no sooner in sentences?
Causative verbs examples and structures
Learn English homophones with an interactive quiz
Free online grammar resources
Free online resources to improve your English
Non-finite clauses: types and examples
Mandative subjunctive: structure and examples
Examples of implicature in conversations
Examples of exclamatory sentences
Narrative tenses in English
Apposition and appositive phrases in sentences
Themes and rhemes in sentences
Anaphora and cataphora in linguistics
Verbless clauses in everyday conversations
Emergency vocabulary: What to say when things go wrong?
Interactive English exercises
List of idioms and phrases about love to express your feelings
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